What We Do?
At IIC our investment model is not based on the traditional model of lending, which only results in burdening countries with unsustainable debt obligations. We work with Governments to create a loan-free economy which does not need to rely on debt to develop. We tailor our investment plans according to the available resources within the country and design our projects so that they can be owned and operated by the local communities.
Our aim is to create an environment which is attractive to international investors and a place where businesses can come, setup and thrive whilst contributing towards the development of the local economy.
We take a long-term approach to our investment strategy, and we focus on empowering the people’s economy and creating global peace and prosperity through economic justice for all. When we are assessing the viability of our projects, financial viability is only one of the metrics that we look at in tandem with social and economic considerations which are paramount in our decision-making process.
We are committed to promoting the following Key Components in our investment plans:

Global Food Security
Global food security is a key component of IIC's vision and mission. We understand that for peace and prosperity to exist in any nation, citizens need to have access to healthy nutritious food in sufficient quantities to prevent shortages or privation throughout the population.
In accordance with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Food security means always having both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life. A family is food secure when its members do not live-in hunger or fear of hunger. Food insecurity is often rooted in poverty and has long-term impacts on the ability of families, communities, and countries to develop and prosper.
Current estimates by the UN are that nearly 690 million people are hungry, which is equivalent to over 8.9 percent of the world population. If recent trends continue, the number of people affected by hunger will continue to increase as the global population continues to grow. IIC is committed to ensuring that its investments contribute to increasing food security, not only in its partner countries, but also globally through trade and investment in agribusiness.
We invest heavily in agribusiness through setting up irrigation schemes, establishing plantations for food crops, livestock and poultry farming for domestic and export market, deep sea fishing and fish farming in salt and fresh water. We believe that through investing in such initiatives we will be contributing to economic development and global food security.
Borderless Infrastructure
The efficient movement of people and goods is central to IIC’s vision and mission because, if communities and individuals are not free to travel or are unable to get their goods to and from the market then they will be unable to break free from the poverty cycle.
Many nations from the less economically developed regions of the world are caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and despair. A major step in fighting poverty and boosting development is to provide infrastructure which includes roads, railways, and seaports/airports which can provide the vital links to connect Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia to the Global Marketplace.
Trading zones can be created along borders between countries and regions. Numerous benefits can be enjoyed through cross-border trade. Value-added goods through cottage and small & medium industries can be developed or manufactured using the available raw materials and resources can be traded through this network of roads and railways. Eventually, this will enable trade to flow freely across open borders.
Trade promotes understanding, tolerance, and friendship among nations. Far flung and forgotten people living in the most remote parts of the world will be able to benefit from this network of infrastructure and see a positive change in their daily life. Economic development acts as catalyst to promote prosperity amongst the citizens of nations, and this would be a major step in eradicating poverty and boosting development.

IIC invests in the future, and that means investing in the next generation, which is why we reserve a 5% equity share in each of our projects for education. Further we have committed to ensuring that all children will have access to education facilities, because we strongly believe that education is a human right, and we view education as the best investment that you can ever make.
Article 26 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly spells out that "Everyone has a right to education.” Education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages and elementary education shall be compulsory. Higher education shall be equally accessible to all based on merit.
It further states that "education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Also, "parents have a right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.”
Education is the growth engine of every country. Preparing the next generation of leaders is one of the major objectives of any nation and at IIC we plan to develop education cities or learning and development zones to cater to the needs of people who are disadvantaged and to all deserving citizens, wherever they come from.
IIC aims to create future global leaders by developing and educating them through modern education systems, which not only build skills but focus on human values. Our education city projects are spread across various countries and create an educational hub where every student gets a world class education and can positively contribute to the prosperity of their country and the world at large.
Economic Zones
It is our belief that for economic growth to take place in our partner countries, all areas within the country must be evenly developed. IIC achieves this by setting up economic zones in different areas, especially in rural areas, to maximise the utilisation of natural resources available locally and promote countrywide economic growth.
We design and develop these economic zones to accelerate the economic development in the region and generate social and economic impact through tailored industrialisation and development of employment and business opportunities.
The experiences of developing countries suggest that economic zones are effective mechanisms for accelerating the economic growth, because Economic Zones have proved to be driving forces for systemic change, especially when they are embedded in an overall market-oriented strategy that emphasises macroeconomic stability and external liberalisation in the country. At IIC we plan to develop economic zones and dry ports every 200km along the primary infrastructure routes to ensure that every region can access local and international markets with ease.
By ensuring balanced development across our partner countries, we reduce rural-urban migration and ensure that no regions, tribes, or individuals feel marginalised or disenfranchised because of our investment and development programme.

Rural Electrification
At IIC we believe that cheap, reliable, and sustainable energy is the catalyst for economic and industrial growth. Current estimates are that 85% of the 1.2 billion people in the world who are living without access to electricity reside in rural areas, which is attributable to the marginalisation of the poor rural communities as well as the long distances from established electrical grids.
To address the lack of access to electricity and to prevent a growing dependence on fossil fuels, IIC is developing and investing in innovative energy solutions, such as mini-grids, kinetic power generation and biogas to help electrify rural communities and stimulate economic growth.
A World bank report from 2017 revealed that there are 840 million people are still living without access to electricity and this represents a huge opportunity to invest in electrification across globe. Access to electricity is strongly associated with poverty, with access rates four times higher in the top quintile of households (based on expenditure) compared to the bottom quintile across the developing countries with the largest access deficit.
IIC is investing in all types of electrification projects for balancing electricity generation be it fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources in countries wherever we are operating with special focus on green sustainable and clean fuel electrification.
One of IIC's main goals in its comprehensive development plans is to build state of the art healthcare facilities to provide essential healthcare services to citizens. We understand that access to quality healthcare is critical in promoting a healthy population which will in turn result in a prosperous economy.
We thus aim to build general hospitals and specialist healthcare centres in our various areas of operation. Our healthcare centres will also integrate access to pharmacy, mental or physical health, substance use disorders, and oral health services in areas where economic, geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services.
IIC has strong belief that healthcare centres must provide services regardless of patients’ ability to pay and charge for services on a sliding fee scale. All healthcare centres will deliver high quality, culturally competent, comprehensive primary care, as well as supportive services such as health education, translation, and transportation that promote access to health care.
Healthcare centres overcome geographic, cultural, linguistic, and other barriers to care by delivering coordinated and comprehensive primary and preventive services.
At IIC we don’t simply build a hospital, we create an entire ecosystem where medical schools, primary healthcare facilities, specialty hospitals, preventive health care centres, etc., all work together to serve the needs of the community.